The Education Foundation for Buckeye Elementary School District, Inc.

A partner at Orcutt | Winslow and proud Arizona State University graduate, Vispi Karanjia is not only a rainmaker for his firm, but a strong advocate for the role education plays in economic growth and stability for individual communities and our nation as a whole.

Leading Orcutt | Winslow in thought leadership, design, and advocacy for P-20 Education, Vispi brings experience and awareness of key school design issues into the planning, programming, and design process. As the partner of a fast-growing national studio with offices in Phoenix, Dallas, Nashville, Orlando, and Louisville metro, his primary responsibility is to work with educational design and construction teams to stay abreast on the most current philosophies in design in the educational community. His involvement at the local, national and global levels in the ever-changing school environment allows him to advance architecture to the upper echelon, offering clients a current response to contemporary design challenges.

Vispi’s extensive engagement with districts across the U.S. has given him a reputation of strong project planning design and management. He has demonstrated his talents as an architect and a project manager since joining Orcutt | Winslow in 1994 through projects that include dozens of new school campuses, complete district renovations and new schools and prototypes for a series of new schools in some of the nation’s fastest growing areas.

Vispi’s passion for business development, relationship building at both the local and national level in the ever-changing school environment, allows him to serve and mentor within organizations such as A4LE, AASBO, NSBA, Arizona Business Education Coalition, the Arizona Governor’s Education Task Force and various national committees that advance education. He is also a proven advocate within school funding, legislation and construction delivery and regional leadership at all levels of school design ie. SFB, AHJ, State Legislature.